2-Day Shipping, We Nailed it!
Offering 2-day shipping to global consumers helps you stay competitive. By cooperating with dropship-air, online sellers can ship products faster and reduce shipping costs.
A Great Many Warehousing Options
Dropship-air fulfillment advisers will develop the most suitable warehousing solution for online sellers, with the network of world-wide fulfillment centers, dropship-air can provide as many warehousing options as you need. Once orders are received, dropship-air will automatically start the fulfillment process in the nearest fulfillment center and ship the package out in the same day.
Efficient Inventory Management
Online retailers and other dropship-air customers can manage their inventory centered with the simple-to-use inventory management system, regardless how many suppliers and e-commerce stores they have. The inventory information is synced in real-time, ensuring no over-sell and out-of-stock happens during peak seasons. Run as many promotional campaigns as you need, the supply chain will never drag your feet.
Fast & Flexible Shipping
Different countries have different shipping couriers, policies and prices. dropship-air is here to make sure you don’t need to deal with them. We have developed deep cooperation with most world-leading shipping couriers, to help eCommerce business owners get integrated shipping solutions, fast and can expand with the business.